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PAF heroes form a galaxy of dedicated men who have expanded their lives in the service of Pakistan Air Force, each leaving behind the best of himself, and adding yet another measure to the courage and honour poured into its foundations by those before him; that endless cavalcade of men who look back with swelling pride and say, ' I was in the Pakistan Air Force'
By inflicting heavy losses on the IAF, the PAF saved Pakistan from the deeper and more sinister motives of the enemy.In both the wars, the gallant air warriors served as a deterent to the enemy designs, against heavy odds. Their mettle was tested and they always came out with flying colours. PAF personnel are always regarded as the fine breed of brave men who have vowed to keep the pure skies of Pakistan clear from predatory forces.
Not surprisingly, its aircraft are the PAF's most treasured material asset. They are at once its lifeblood and its foremost means of expression.Not only are they central to what the Air Force is all about, militarily speaking, it is the fascination with these machines that acts as a magnet upon all those young men who flock to the PAF as fliers, engineers, weapons controllers, logisticians, or other experts to spend a lifetime of involvement with these complex, lethal marvels of this century
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